Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas!

This latest post comes a little later than I expected. I've been very busy, and I've had very few opportunities to get into the wilderness with my camera. That all changed this week! I'm in my adopted mountain home and have much to share. Let's start with a wintery scene:

I'm adding to my winter gallery on an almost daily basis. You can view it here:

Winter in the mountains is very different to summer. The landscape changes drastically. Lightning storms are replaced by still, sunny (but very cold) afternoons. There is a whole new environment to be discovered!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Into The Wild

December seems to be slipping by! I have a winter trip planned, and some new lenses to work with, so you can expect to see a new batch of images very soon. Once more, the mountains are calling!

Winter snow brings a new set of challenges. In the mountains, travel can be difficult, whether on foot or by car. Cold weather photography requires concentration and endurance - and snow shoes!

Monday, November 28, 2011


As the Thanksgiving break ended, I thought of previous winters, and one in particular came to mind. I was very young (five or six), and the winter snowfall had been unusually heavy for my area. A short drive to the local woodland revealed a magical white and green place, but the most memorable part was the sighting of fallow deer on the tree-lined path ahead.

Unfortunately I don't have a digital version of the photo that captured that moment. While searching online I was surprised that I was unable to find a similar shot. Instead, I'll leave you with this work by an artist local to the area:

I think it captures the experience of walking in a pristine, silent winter forest. I'm anxious to do it again, and this time, I'll be sure to capture a few of my own moments!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


A good photo is more than a pretty picture. It makes the viewer feel or think something. For this reason, photography is a blend of technical proficiency and artistry. As we are approaching the Thanksgiving holiday and the end of the year, an autumn photo still feels appropriate:

This shows some of the first trees to begin their autumnal display of color, while everything around them still looks and feels like summer.  The natural world moves on, whether we are ready or not! In a few days Thanksgiving will be over, so let's make the most of it, be good to each other and enjoy the ride....

Friday, November 18, 2011


I'm a strong believer that time is the most precious resource of all. I know that anything can seem more important when it is in short supply, but time cannot be created, or banked, or replaced. The best that we can hope for is to use it wisely, such as spending it doing something you love (ideally with someone you love!).
It is hard for me to believe, but it has been almost a year since I bought my current camera. I 've already made a promise to myself to use it much more frequently next year. Here are a couple from the end of last year:

What started out as a camera test turned into a fun afternoon of exploration on the backroads of Texas.

This time next year, I'll have much more to share. What will you do next year? How can you make it something you love?

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Part of a photographer's job is to pay attention to the components of an image. A small piece of trash can ruin a good shot, while the capture of a feature or moment that many people might miss can become the focus of a great image.

The image above shows part of an archway to a cathedral entrance. The one below shows Nature's patterns in the form of a monkey puzzle tree.

Just as in life, it seems that it is the little things that really matter.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Passing The Test

I can't always be in the Rockies (but I keep trying!), so I have to keep challenging myself from time to time. It's easy to turn down less spectacular opportunities, but each one is an opportunity to grow as a photographer, just as other challenges provide us all with chances to grow and learn about ourselves. I attended a local equestrian event, and I'll let you judge the results for yourselves:

The event was a success, and I'm pleased with my shots (send me a message if you'd like to see more). Have a safe, fun Halloween out there!

Monday, October 24, 2011


During a long session of architectural photography work, I was treated to an unexpected show! Walking through live oaks and crepe myrtles, I startled a swarm of migrating monarch butterflies:

Nature is full of surprises. Sometimes they are easy to find (or they find you!), but by being present and clearing your mind, you might be surprised at the treasures on display. 

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


As the air starts to cool, I'm reminded of early morning ascents in the wilderness, where leaves are dew-covered and woodland creatures are surprised to find humans in the early light of dawn. A rushed breakfast is easily justified by lunch near the summit. A name and an altitude are not required - just a view like this:

As a part-time photographer, I can't always wait for the perfect shot. The weather and lighting can make or break a good shot, but when travelling it is very difficult to justify a long wait. I have to shoot and move on, and sometimes discard otherwise good images. On this occasion, the weather was perfect. The last cornice (as I sometimes call this shot) provides a reminder of the harsh winter while the rest of the foreground is bathed in summer sunlight. The clouds suggest the peaks are almost pushing against the roof of the world, and at 2.65 miles above sea-level, it sometimes feels like it!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Little Acorns

My fascination with photography started many years ago, as a child. I liked the idea that views and experiences could be captured and enjoyed at a later date, almost as if preserving time. The camera itself was a thing of beauty. This is the first camera I knew, and probably the first to capture images of me:

I look at my DSLR and, although it is capable of excellent image quality and has many settings that I haven't yet used, it doesn't evoke the same feelings based on aesthetics. Perhaps that isn't such a bad thing. My current camera is a tool that allows me to share my perspective of the natural world, rather than a revered artifact. The old AGFA provided that spark, which was reignited with the advent of digital photography and allowed to grow into a passion with the encouragement of a certain someone. It was there all the time, and I just had to realise it.

Monday, October 10, 2011


I've been busy working on my galleries and making a few additional offerings on Facebook, including some new e-cards. I think you'll enjoy the latest improvements, so please take a look around and let me know what you think.
A new winter project is planned for later this year (expect lots of snow scenes!), but for now, I still have work to do with my existing portfolio. Here is one that I almost missed:

Some of the best images are completely unexpected. In this case, a side street was hiding two privately owned iconic London buses, which are a rare sight these days. The mounted police officer only added to the shot.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Gainfully Employed

I've just started my latest commissioned project, which consists mainly of architectural work. This is the second project for the same client, so I must have done something right! While the subject matter isn't always stimulating, I enjoy the challenge of producing interesting images.

I am temporarily exiled from my 'high country' for a few more weeks, but there is much to do as I refine the website and finance some carefully chosen lens acquisitions.

I've chosen an image to share today that reminds me of the places I'd rather be. I think this one is from a couple of years ago, but it's still one of my favorites:

This is a real hiker's point-of-view shot, near the summit of a fourteener on a glorious summer morning. I think a new camera is a good excuse for another visit next year, don't you?!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The End Is The Beginning

Summer is over (although I have yet to feel a cool autumn / fall breeze), the long-planned vacation is over, and the year is beginning to draw to an end.Still, just as time can never be frozen, change is an integral part of life. I felt that I should at least try to steer that change, and so From The High Country was born. It's time for me to take my work more seriously, and to begin those projects that I've toyed with for so long! You get to follow me on this journey, and I'll do my best to share some interesting things along the way. This was taken in a quiet woodland area a few weeks ago:

As I prepared images for the website I could see the progress I've made, and I hope you'll be able to do the same in a year or so. Life is a learning experience!
Please take a minute or two to look at some of my galleries. I'd like to hear from you.

Friday, September 23, 2011


After much dreaming and planning, I thought it was finally time for some action! So, here I am, with a new blog, new profile and a new photography site. Now, the real work begins....