Friday, September 21, 2012

Season's End

Change seems to be constant in the forests and mountains of the San Juans. Familiar trails often yield fresh surprises to the keen observer.

Mushroom season was spectacular but seemingly brief. Individual mushrooms grow to maturity within a few days, and the various species bring additional color to the forest floor at a time when most wildflowers have already peaked.

For the last three weeks, I've been fortunate enough to follow the changing aspen leaves. As I write, I can see golden patches on the surrounding hills, while some aspen stands nearby are already bare.

Though the days are still warm, the first sightings of light snow on nearby peaks have been made. Less than a week ago, I was caught mid-shoot in heavy snow! Just 45 minutes later the sun was shining, and only in shaded areas could evidence of snow be found.

Today is the first official day of fall, which is marked by the autumnal equinox. Due to the early display of fall colors this year I decided to switch from the summer to autumn gallery at FTHC.  Since many of you probably haven't had the chance to see the golden aspens, I also put together this slideshow:

I hope you enjoy the show! Please visit From The High Country for more beautiful images of Colorado.