Friday, February 24, 2012


Rocky Mountain winters are long and cold (earlier today, the temperature outside was -12°F). Still, with the right will and equipment the mountains are a snow-covered playground, and busy summer destinations are places of solitude during the winter.

I've realized that I've felt restricted over the last few weeks. I've tried to juggle too many things and have been left frustrated when I can't make enough progress. Having learned this, I can devote more time to what I consider to be most important. Relocation was meant to be a learning experience, and I felt that it would be useful to stretch myself. I still do, but I now know that some things are not going to make me happy, and those must be cut (in keeping with the psychological side of the simple living ethic).

Much lies ahead in the summer. I have plans for a permaculture garden (if my current construction project is complete!), and there is a whole mountain range to explore on my doorstep. Of course, it will all be a photographic journey!

Sunday, February 19, 2012


This new life of mine took a great deal of dedication and planning. However, at this point, I'm finding that there are certain challenges that cannot easily be planned for. There is a voice in my head saying "Simplify, simplify", and yet it has been much easier to say than to do. Simplification of my surroundings and lifestyle required a few bold decisions. The simplification of my days has been more difficult to achieve. Now that I'm self-employed, I've found that my new boss can be quite demanding. I still need to develop a flexible routine that allows for a healthy balance of work and play. I have to develop my own structure in keeping with the simple living ethic.
Patience is a virtue that I haven't had to make much use of in recent years. An office job in the city can be fast-paced, while all conveniences are within easy reach. Building a new life requires time and a new approach. It is only now that I am learning to slow down. Here's a recent shot that was taken around the time that I really began to adjust:

By slowing down it is easier to notice the small things, like the red leaves of the oregon grape, or the dried rose hips, or the rest of the winter flora and fauna that the casual observer might miss. It makes me a better photographer, and it makes life in the mountains more rewarding.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Mountain Time

It has been almost three weeks since I left my city office for the last time, and I am only just beginning to realize that I am truly free to mold every facet of my life as I see fit. In order to do this properly, I need to be prepared to let ideas come naturally. I'm still working at a high-pressure office pace in my mind. The change of surroundings was relatively easy; the change of attitude requires some self-improvement and will be ongoing.  I'm still finding my 'rhythm', but already I can take time to watch clouds pass by, study wildlife up close or just appreciate a snow shower or a full moon.

For the first time in years, work is fun. Take a look at the ice climbing event that I covered last weekend!

At this point in my life, I'm very happy to have swapped a good salary for fun-filled days and nights. Living costs can be reduced by making meals and furniture from basic materials, which is in itself a pleasurable experience. Walking instead of driving reduces stress and saves money, if not time (but it is time well spent). 
Life is here and now. It doesn't just happen at the weekend or on holiday / vacation. We have a duty to ourselves to find the things that make us happy.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Strange Dream

As I type, snow lies at a depth of 3" and more falls in the darkness outside, where wood smoke hangs in the air. Inside, the ticking of a clock is the only sound. Almost two weeks have passed since the adventure began. I'm still keenly aware of the passing of time, and I am still very busy, but I find pleasure in most tasks, whether it be hand-squeezing oranges or hand-sawing wood. There is time to savour the smells and to enjoy creating new things.

Despite the great simplifying effort, I feel that I have everything I need. In fact, I probably have more than I really need in order to be happy, even now. There are no cell phones in this house, and no cable TV. 'Conveniences' such as those have always been more of a source of annoyance.

Winter is becoming my favorite season. The greens of summer are replaced with an almost dream-like black and white version of the landscape that is equally beautiful.

As always, you can see more of the expanding winter gallery here. I have a new lens and expect to have several new images to share very soon. If I can keep track of the days, I'll post weekly. I hope you'll continue to join me.