Summer is over (although I have yet to feel a cool autumn / fall breeze), the long-planned vacation is over, and the year is beginning to draw to an end.Still, just as time can never be frozen, change is an integral part of life. I felt that I should at least try to steer that change, and so From The High Country was born. It's time for me to take my work more seriously, and to begin those projects that I've toyed with for so long! You get to follow me on this journey, and I'll do my best to share some interesting things along the way. This was taken in a quiet woodland area a few weeks ago:
As I prepared images for the website I could see the progress I've made, and I hope you'll be able to do the same in a year or so. Life is a learning experience!
Please take a minute or two to look at some of my galleries. I'd like to hear from you.